Rules & Regulations

1. School Handbook

Every boy/girl must have his/her own Handbook and bring it to the school daily. A boy/girl who loses or mutilates his/her Handbook will have to buy another one which would cost him/her Rs.100/-. When a student is absent or late or fails to come Every boy/girl must have his/her own Handbook and bring it to the school daily. A boy/girl who loses or mutilates his/her Handbook will have to buy another one which would cost him/her Rs.100/-. When a student is absent or late or fails to come to school with out uniform, parents must explain the reason in brief communication in writing not exceeding one line, to the school on the page allotted for the purpose or on the day's page.

2. Leave of Absence and Attendance

Any leave of absence is to be taken only with the prior permission of the Principal through a duly authorised letter of the parent or guardian. All leave letters should be addressed to the Principal. Leave Letters should be submitted, as far as possible, well in advance.

The name of any student who absents himself/herself habitually without prior permission of the Principal will be removed from the rolls. Applying for leave to attend social and religious functions is not encouraged. Those who produce false medical certificates for leave will forfeit their seat at the end of the academic year. Failure to bring a leave note may ablige the school authorities to send the boy/girl home even during school hours. Parents are to meet the Principal for abtaining more than two days of leave.

90% of attendance is compulsory for all the students.

3. Absence without leave

A boy / girl who has been absent from school will not be allowed to enter the class unless he/she brings a note in his/her Handbook, stating the reason hi/her absence duly signed by his/her parents/guardian and abtains the Principal's permission. If a student is absent for more than two days, the parents must meet the Principal before the student is sent class.

Absence without leave, renders a boy/girl liable to a fine of Rs.5/- at a time. If his/her absence is prolonged for more than 10 days consecutively the boy's/girl's name will be struck of the rolls. He/she may be re-admitted on payment of Rs.200/- but after abtaining permission from the principal. Re-admission may be granted only for very good reasons acceptable to the principal.

4. Admission

i) The principal admits children only after they are selected by a selection Committee consisting of three members constituted by the Correspondent.

ii) No recommendations are entertained.

5. Withdrawls / Discontinuance

Students are admitted on the understanding that they will remain in the school at least for the entire academic year. Parents desirous of withdrawing their child before the end of the academic year may do so, by giving a requisition in writing at least 30 days in advance. In all such cases school fees have to be paid for the whole advance. In such cases school fees have to be paid for the whole year before the T.C. is issued and the fees already paid will not be refunded. Students who have failed twice in the same class will be asked to leave the school. T.C. and conduct certificate will be issued to pupils only on clearing all the dues.

6. Examinations

Attendance in all periodical tests and examination is compulsory.

If any student is absent for the term test or exams, no re-test or no re-exam will conducted. Pupils will have to correct their mistakes after each rounds tests/exams as the remedial measure for achieving improvement in their academic performance. Dates of the tests and examinations are in the school Handbook and Prospectus. Special permission is required for those who adstain from examination / tests due to valid reason. A boy/girl who has not remitted his/her fees may be debarred from examination. Malpractices in any test or examinations will result in immediate dismissal of the pupil.

7. Progress Report

Progress Reports are issued at the end of each series of Tests and Examinations.

Parents themselves must sign and return them to the school promptly.

Parents must make a very careful study of the Reports sent to them and in case of the children failing in any subject, they must do the needful to improve their marks in future tests and examinations.

9. Dress Code for Students

1. The Uniform must conform to the pattern and colour prescribed by the school.

2. Wearing full uniform is compulsory except on birthdays. No excuses will be accepted for any missing part of it. Defaulters may be fined unless a note of excuse duly signed by the parent is produced.

3. Students are to be modesty dressed while reporting to school.

4. Parents should inculcate in their wards a sense of discipline, hard work and simplicity. Hence wearing expensive jewellery, whatches, carrying money, bringing expensive toys to school, cell phones etc.., are strictly prohibited.

5. Boys should be use lace up shoes.

6. During winter season the student are expected to wear blazers specified by the School Authorities.

























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